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Dehydrated fruits and berries
Despite its name, not Persia, but China is the motherland of this fruit. In the Orient, they always esteemed the peach trees, but above all, of course, the fruits were highly appreciated. This is not surprising, as the peach is beautiful in terms of its appearance, feel, and taste. Due to content of vitamins A, E and K, it keeps the skin and hair healthy and beautiful, and improves metabolic processes. In addition, the unique trace nutrients in the fruit help to combat anxiety and bad mood. Some scientists even consider peach an aphrodisiac.
Dried peach preserves all the medicinal properties of the fresh fruit. A small amount of rice flour, which is used in the technological process, only adds benefit to the finished product and reduces the risk of digestive disorders - in case you suddenly get carried away with this amazing delicacy.
Samfruit carefully selects the best varieties of peaches to annually harvest the most juicy, fragrant and valuable fruits to turn them, after drying, into a unique oriental delicacy or an integral component of hundreds of desserts and dishes to be produced by our wholesale customers.
The form
  • Pieces
  • Individual cutting is possible
  • Carton Boxes