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Plum по выгодным ценам
Dehydrated fruits and berries
Plum is a favorite treat and an indispensable ingredient of many recipes for more than two thousand years. Baking and desserts, juices and wines, numerous sauces – a plum key brings to all these dishes originality and new flavors.
However, the possibilities of this fruit are not limited only to its special taste and aroma. Plum is a source of vitamins A, B1, H, PP, C, as well as potassium, calcium, zinc, copper and other microelements. Thanks to this unique complex, the fruit helps to normalize the digestive system, as well as to remove toxins and toxins.

Due to its dietary properties the plum is often included in nutrition programs for those who want to lose weight without harm to health.

Samfruit offers a wide selection of varieties and types of dried plum of its own production.
Dried plum is one of the most useful dried fruits, which preserves all the benefits of fresh fruit.
The form
  • Halves
  • Individual cutting is possible
  • Carton Boxes