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Dehydrated fruits and berries
Sweet strawberries with a light sour taste and amazing aroma may be the most popular berry. To realize this, you may only see how many goods are produced with the strawberry flavor: from yoghurts and sweets to household goods.
However, despite such popularity, it is not easy to find real tasty strawberries on the counters of markets: the berries’ season lasts for a month and a half in the beginning of summer only. All the rest of time of the year, there are just watery and tasteless imitations offered.
Fortunately, modern technology employed by Samfruit allows carefully drying the berries, retaining all their useful properties. The strawberries provide a lot of them: they are rich in vitamins A, C, B and E, unique acids and antioxidants that promote cell regeneration, slow down aging and tumor formation. This means that now, you can enjoy a delicious and healthy dried strawberry all year round, moreover, it will perfectly complement your baked foods, desserts and drinks.
The form
  • Pieces
  • Cubes
  • Individual cutting is possible
  • Carton Boxes