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Cubes 10x10 mm
Eggplant по выгодным ценам
Dehydrated vegetables
Eggplant is quite a frequent guest in the modern kitchen. People are growing this vegetable for culinary purposes already for more than 1500 years. It is good both as an independent dish, and the soft taste of eggplant is perfectly combined with other vegetables, nuts, cheese, meat and fish.
Eggplant is a rare case of pleasant combination of taste and benefit. The vegetable contains a large amount of potassium, which improves functioning of the heart and normalizes metabolic processes. Another positive quality of eggplant is content of vitamin PP or nicotinic acid, which will make it easier for smokers to get rid of harmful addiction.
In the Russian climate, the eggplant season does not last long, and in winter it is difficult to find “blues” on the shelves of stores. The drying technology used by Samfruit helps to solve this problem as it allows preserving all the useful properties of the vegetables.
Dried eggplants are easy to use: the best fruits are already selected, cut into neat cubes and just waiting for the moment when you add them to your dishes. After all, it is such a simple and delicious way to breathe new life into the traditional recipes!
The form
  • Cubes
  • Individual cutting is possible
  • Packets